Christ Developed A Community Of Followers. Paul, Peter And Other Early Church Leaders Started New Communities Wherever They Went As They Proclaimed The Gospel.
Team Roping Practice
** Team Roping practice is over for the summer. Check back for when we will resume.** Every Tuesday night at 6pm and Wednesday mornings at 9am we have free team roping practice at Gravel Hill. Everyone is welcome to join. On Tuesdays we enjoy dinner and brief sermon before we rope. For more information, please contact Pastor Jim at 573.225.3246
Quiltin' Cowgirls
The quiltin’ cowgirls make comfort quilts for individuals who are sick. The quiltin’ cowgirls meet every Thursday at 9am. For more information contact Nancy Wilson at 573.243.5234.
Small Groups
Just as small groups were an important part of the early church structure, they are an integral part of Cowboy Church. These groups are small enough to allow members to minister to one another, use their spiritual gifts and to be discipled. Small groups meet throughout the week at various times and locations. For more information, please contact Denah at 573.225.3248